Whenever you get a checkup, or go to the ER, there's a doctor or a nurse on hand, typing notes about your health into a computer. They are often recording things like your weight,blood pressure and other measurements. These notes can also include important instructions about medications, and the doctor's impressions of your health condition.There's a growing movement among hospitals and doctors to make these notes easier to access.
That movement is called OpenNotes, an organization that aims to make notes more readily available to patients and their caregivers. The hope is that patients can take a more active role in their own health care. To find out more about OpenNotes, we spoke with Dr. Joann Elmore a professor of medicine at the University of Washington, and a physician at Harborview Medical Center, one of the first medical centers to adopt OpenNotes. In this episode, Dr. Elmore explains the OpenNotes Movement.
The HealthChangers podcast is presented by Cambia Health Solutions, where we share real stories of health care transformation from those experiencing it and those helping tomake health care more personalized. You can find more information and show notes on all of our episodes at CambiaHealth.com. Be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher or wherever you listen to podcasts and if you like, leave us a review.