

On the HealthChangers podcast, presented by Regence, we share real-life stories and expertise from leaders who are working to make health care simpler, personalized and more affordable.
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Dec 11, 2018

There's a shift happening in many industries toward placing a greater focus on the consumer, but what if you're not sure who those consumers are and what they want or expect? That's where human-centered design comes in. It's an approach where businesses research consumer habits, expectations and experiences, and then use what they learned to improve their services and improve the way they interact with those consumers.

In this edition of HealthChangers, we'll be taking a look at one example of how human-centered design is playing out in health care. My guest is Nancy Vuckovic from Cambia Health Solutions. She shares consumer research and human-centered design principles and how they can change the way people experience health care.

Dec 3, 2018

You might have heard of Iron Chef, the popular cooking show where the competition is based on secret ingredients. The Iron Viz competition is like that, but with health care data. There’s often information buried within that data that can help in preventive care and in treating patients. But, the information is no use if people can’t access it or share it in an understandable way.

The visual software company ‘Tableau’ pioneered one way to tackle these issues. Teams at Iron Viz are given data and are tasked to create a “viz,” or visual, that can bring new insight to the data. Part of the idea is to have average people become a kind of “citizen data scientist.” Our guests in this episode of HealthChangers have brought this idea, and Iron Viz, to health care.

Nov 29, 2018

For nearly a decade, the federal government has been trying to find ways to make medical records more accessible for Medicare and Medicaid clients. The initiative is known as Blue Button. Earlier this year, that initiative introduced a new version of Blue Button—Blue Button 2.0. It's now easier for Medicare patients to access their health care data and also to share it.

To get a better idea of what this transparency could mean for health care consumers, we spoke with Allison Oelschlaeger, Chief Data Officer at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services with the federal government, and Meg Dryer, the Vice President of Consumer Experience at Cambia.

Nov 2, 2018

When Peggy Maguire’s father was diagnosed with lung cancer at 48 years old, it came as a complete shock to her family. They did everything they could to fight the disease, treating him with aggressive radiation and chemotherapy. However, they felt as if “his final days were very medical in nature” and felt residual guilt afterwards, wondering if there was something they could have done differently.

Peggy's experience has fueled her passion to improve awareness of what palliative care is and how it can change the way people living with serious illness - and their family caregivers - experience health care. In this interview with StoryCorps, Peggy shares her story with Dr. Tony Back from the University of Washington.

Oct 30, 2018

If you or someone you know is living with a chronic illness, it can feel like you never get a break. You have to track medications and monitor your symptoms, constantly worrying what will happen if you’re alone when a health crisis hits. There is, however, a platform that is working to change all this. Livongo Health is a company with a solution designed to empower people with chronic conditions, so they can live healthier and better lives. In this episode of HealthChangers, we have a conversation with Livongo Health's CEO Glen Tullman and ask him what the inspiration was behind Livongo, a company committed to helping people with chronic conditions and also an investment company of Echo Health Ventures.

Oct 26, 2018

October 27th is National Prescription Drug Take Back  .  Turning in old medications ensures they’re disposed of properly, but take back events can also prevent drug addiction and overdoses. The 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health found a majority of abused prescription drugs came from family and friends’ medicine cabinets. 

In this episode of HealthChangers, we’re taking a closer look at opioid abuse and the family and community work it takes to deal with this national crisis. Dr. Jim Polo, Behavioral Health Medical Director at Cambia moderated with a discussion at the Cambia Grove, a health care innovation in Seattle, and spoke with folks who’ve experienced opioid addiction, and recovery, first hand. Two regional experts, who are working directly with populations impacted by the opioid crisis, participated in the Conversation.

Sep 13, 2018

In this HealthChangers Podcast, Brodie shares how the health care industry continues to adapt, working to strengthen the quality of services and patient experience, through telehealth. His personal story of delivering his baby helped personify for him the work Cambia is doing to transform the health care consumer experience. 

Aug 30, 2018

Millennials are the largest generation in the United States, and their influence continues to grow and be felt across industries. Health care is no exception. Traditional consumer health care experiences do not align with the mindsets, influences and habits of millennials —and health care brands must either adapt or be left behind.

In this episode, we meet with three millennials who are in different places in their professional lives, ranging from a college student an intern and a young professional, Rachel Day who is the host for today’s show. They join Heather Burton, Director of Marketing for HealthSparq, who is working to empower people to make smarter health care choices based on their individual benefits. They will share their experience with health care and are representative of some of the most game-changing ways millennials interact with the health care system.

Jul 24, 2018

In this episode of HealthChangers, we bring you a panel discussion that followed the screening of the Netflix documentary 'End Game' with Dr. Pantilat and Dr. Ungerleider, led by Cambia Health Foundation president and board chair, Peggy Maguire and Mark Ganz, Cambia President and CEO.

Jul 18, 2018

This episode features a conversation between Rob Coppedge, Chief Executive Officer of Echo Health Ventures and Ben Albert, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Upfront Healthcare ServicesEcho Health Ventures is Cambia’s strategic investing arm to accelerate health care startups’ growth and bring their innovations to scale nationally. Upfront Healthcare Services is an Echo Health Ventures portfolio company and enables patients to prepare for their appointments, while streamlining administrative operations for providers.

Jun 14, 2018

In episode of HealthChangers, we share a fireside chat between Bruce Greenstein, former Chief Technology Officer for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Lee Huntsman, professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, recorded at the Cambia Grove. Together they explore the ripple effect of government innovations on the quality and cost of health care throughout the industry and what this means for our future.

Jun 7, 2018

On this episode of StoryCorps, David and Steve share their story as friends and co-leaders of PRIDE and their work to have Cambia participate in Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index.

May 2, 2018

In this episode of HealthChangers we speak with Burt and Bryce who will share their passion behind the cultural, person-focused shift in health care and how they’re leveraging the inspiring stories of people who were left with no options and had to create their own solutions to transform their health care experiences and those of others.

Apr 16, 2018

Joining us in this episode of HealthChangers is Ellen Goodman, the co-founder of The Conversation Project, which is dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care. 

With National Healthcare Decisions Day during April 16-22, 2018, it’s important for families to feel empowered around advance care planning. You don’t have to be seriously ill to begin the conversation with the people who care about you; talking about your goals and wishes takes the guesswork and guilt away from anyone acting on your behalf.

Mar 30, 2018

A year ago, we launched the HealthChangers podcast, presented by Cambia Health Solutions. Our goal was to spotlight the challenges facing health care today and the innovations and innovators that are changing the health care landscape.

To mark our one-year anniversary, we’ve highlighted our favorite moments from our five most popular podcasts.

Mar 27, 2018

In this HealthChangers podcast, we talk with Robin Heffernan, the Co-Founder and CEO of Circulation, a digital platform that offers a straightforward and accessible solution to coordinate convenient and reliable nonemergency transportation for all areas of health care.

Join us as we learn how future trends in health care technology can start by solving the most basic logistical health problems from those needing to go to a routine health care appointment to those going through dialysis or chemotherapy, the simplest solutions can have a positive disruptive effect on the health system.

Feb 28, 2018

Entrepreneurs hoping to succeed in the health care have to consider the needs of many stakeholders. These stakeholders--sometimes called the “five points” of healthcare--are patients, payers, providers, purchasers and policy makers.

Joining us in this episode of HealthChangers are Jessica Hauflaire, Business Operations Manager at Cambia Grove, and Kate Isler, a 5 Points Conference moderator and CEO of Daysaver, an automated scheduling service for business and health care providers.

Feb 8, 2018

In this HealthChangers podcast episode, we’ll be speaking with two seasoned hackathon organizers, Dan Anolik and Northon Rodrigues, two engineers who are eager to make hackathons go mainstream as a way to improve the experience of health care for consumers.

When you think of a hackathon, you might think of tech developers, engineers, and other IT professionals working on their computers solving coding problems. Hackathons at their simplest are problem-solving sessions with a lot of people, from different professional backgrounds, working across teams to share problems and brainstorm solutions.